Nebraska.Code() Sessions tagged web A Quick way to start a new spring boot application with best practices

It's one thing to read about spring boot, spring data JPA and other technology. It's even better to generate a short, self-contained, correct ready-to-run example quickly. Thomas Surmann's web application is fabulous for learning or starting a new application.

Come learn about the SaaS web application, the "Best developer experience for starting Spring Boot apps ‐ best practices included."

We'll discuss and work through the following (bring your laptop if you'd like to play along):

  1. A tour of the free tier of great SaaS that is
    1. Generating many to many relationships with JPA (spring data)
    2. - Quick & easy all Java Database with an easy-to-use web console
      1. Then we'll swap h2 out for PostgreSQL.
    3. API generation with swagger (OpenAPI) using Bootify
    4. Thymeleaf GUI that sits alongside the APIs
    5. is an excellent (language-neutral) way to mix AJAX into your application for single-page app-like interactivity.
  2. We'll do all the mvn install work in the cloud -- no heavy downloads on wifi. How? We'll demo two cloud development environments.
  3. See how quick & easy it is to use's free tier. is a cloud development environment that makes it easy to explore a GitHub repository.
  4. See how quick & easy GitHub's Codespaces are to use. Currently, GitHub gives away "up to 60 hours a month free" of Codespaces to each user.

We'll use the sample repo that was created in minutes using

The short link for this presentation is


Matt Payne

Matt Payne

software engineer

What the Heck is HTTP?

You see it on the front of URLs. You know that it's important to APIs. When you write applications that are connecting to services on other machines you're using it. So you're likely using it in everything you build. But, what the heck is HTTP, really?

In this talk, we'll dive into the mechanics of HTTP starting from requests & responses, diving into nouns & verbs, and going deep into the mechanics of how authentication works over the protocol. Come join us as we learn all about something that most of us use everyday.


Scott McAllister

Scott McAllister

Developer Advocate, ngrok